blockchain Featured Opensea Vs Rarible If you are an independent content creator, like a photographer, sketch artist, painter, graphic designer etc and if you would like to start listing your content in the NFT market place like Opensea or Rarible then this article is for you.
blockchain Featured Minting NFTs through API using Truffle & Rinkeby You need the image / art work / clip to be uploaded to IPFS. You can use any of the IPFS clients that allow you to upload the asset and pin it which will make the asset available for anyone to access through a link. I am using Pinata Cloud for IPFS
hyperledger Blockchain - State of PoCs The biggest challenge with the current Blockchain technologies is transaction speed. But how much of these transaction speeds affect your plans? Is there a way out? Is it possible that you can continue working on PoCs without worrying about if you can take it mainstream?
blockchain Featured Application of Blockchain based Smart Contracts in place of regular Legal Contracts Smart contracts are like digital contracts created and stored on Ethereum Blockchain. The advantage with Smart Contracts is that it will be impossible for either of the entities to go back in time and change the contract. Smart contracts can also facilitate transfer of tokens/currency between the entities based
blockchain Using kaleido to spin your private Ethereum Blockchain If you are a developer looking to build same cool Dapps on Blockchain then you can use Ganache (TestRPC) to create & test smart contracts from your local machine. But, if you want to take it to next level and want to test you contracts on a private ethereum blockchain then