Opensea Vs Rarible
This article is a simple guide to mint an NFT on the Opensea & Rarible. If you are an independent content creator, like a photographer, sketch artist, painter, graphic designer etc and if you would like to start listing your content in the NFT market place like Opensea or Rarible then this article is for you.
To start with, you would need an ethereum account which you can acquire with the help of one of the numerous wallet programs. I am going to use Metamask for this article. You can install the Metamask add-on for Chrome browser from the Chrome Web Store.
To mint an NFT we need to have some crypto currency called ethereum. We would explore how we can mint an NFT without paying for Gas. Gas refers to the unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute specific operations on the Ethereum network.
Once you are through on Opensea sign-in, you would click on the create button to mint an NFT using the picture or art work that you may have.
To mint an NFT on Opensea directly using ethereum you will need ethereum coins in your ethereum account to pay as gas without which you cannot mint.
Alternatively, in Rarible, you have an option of letting the buyer to pay the gas fee. So, if you want to directly mint an NFT in ethereum without any ethereum balance then you should head to rarible.
Once you are in the new NFT creation form of opensea or rarible, filling it pretty straight forward.
Once you upload the image and fill the relevant information for the submission, NFT will be created but it will not be in 'Sell' mode. You will need to click on the 'Sell' button on the top right corner to place the NFT in the sell mode.
As explained before, in case of rarible, you don't need have any ethereum balance and select the option (default) of allowing them collect the gas from the eventual buyer.
This was just an intro into the minting an NFT for someone who doesn't understand the technology behind it but would love convert their creations into NFT. You can read help documents from both Opensea and Rarible to understand more features.
Happy Minting!!