Banning Chinese Goods in India

When I was a kid, I used to hear stories about emergence of Japan as super power after it has taken a severe beating in world war II. Imagine a country that was hit with 2 nuclear bombs fighting against all odds and coming out as one of best countries known for their engineering. I haven't heard about Japanese banning American goods as a revenge for bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Never read anything like Japanese politicians calling for a ban on American imports to fight American superiority.
Let me make this very clear, I am not against calling for stopping Chinese imports.
Let me make this very clear, I am not against calling for stopping Chinese imports. I decided write this article after I came across a video of a man who happens to be an inspiration for the lead character in the movie '3 Idiots', Sonam Wangchuk, asking Indians to stop using Chinese made products. Well, he is not the first one, I have seen a number of whatsapp forwards preaching it to be a National duty to not to buy Chinese goods. There is nothing wrong with these messages. But before doing so, like stop buying Chinese products, let us analyze a bit more.
The sales of all brands of Mobile phones should seize immediately except for a few lesser known Indian brands.
There could be 2 important reasons for a seller to sell Chinese imported goods. one, a similar product is not available in India, two, even if it is available, it is priced much higher than Chinese import. Many of us don't realize the extent to which Chinese imports invaded our lifestyles. If people have to take these messages seriously, then they shouldn't be buying any brand of TV except Micromax or few such Indian made ones. The sales of all brands of Mobile phones should seize immediately except for a few lesser known Indian brands. Why would someone pay their hard earned money to buy a brand that is not very well know for their quality instead of a well known Chinese brand. On the second point of competing products already existing in India, there is something wrong with those Indian sellers who cannot do their pricing right even after Chinese imports have to pay their import duty. Govt should consider levying higher import duty to compensate higher labor costs in India compared to China.
Let us create an environment where the youngsters are encouraged to become entrepreneurs and not mere salaried employees.
No, I am not suggesting that we live with this situation. Let us try match every Chinese product with our own make. Let us create an environment where the youngsters are encouraged to become entrepreneurs and not mere salaried employees. Let us set high standards in engineering quality and get the rest of world import from us. Using Chinese products has nothing to do with patriotism. Remember, had we not opened up India for foreign products, we would have been driving only Ambassador cars, HERO would be confined to just making Cycles and short commute would been on Suvega mopeds. Let us invite competition but do a kickass engineering.
I have interests in Alexa, Angular / AngularJS, NodeJS, Ethereum Blockchain, ChatBOTS and many more. Read more at